Part of learning a Performing Art is the opportunity to be on stage. Our thorough dance training ensures that our students can participate in stage productions without jeopardizing the learning process in the classroom. Our School of Ballet presents an annual Spring Recital every May to showcase all of our students and give them a chance to "shine" as they perform for families and friends! The Spring Recital is a very special and important event for all of our dancers! They get an opportunity to demonstrate what great progress they have made in dance classes during the year. The dancers also gain valuable stage experience as they learn the rules of the theatre and how to handle themselves gracefully in a group of dancers once they are onstage. We believe that the end of the year Spring recital should be as child friendly and stress free as possible for all of our students and their parents. The younger dancers are allowed to sit in the audience with their parents and watch the other dancers perform as they wait for their own time to perform. This relieves the stress of being overcrowded backstage and worrying about when it's "their turn" to perform. Our moms appreciate this too! Our younger students dance and act out "story ballets"; allowing them to learn valuable stage skills such as pantomime as well as having the fun and excitement of being part of a story with children from other classes in the school. The upper level students dance as part of a choreographed ballet; working with other classes to get the experience of being in a professionally choreographed ballet piece. Encouragement, fun, and a low keyed approach are all emphasized to allow each student to be relaxed and able to perform onstage well and have a successful and confident experience. Our "family friendly" performance lasts under two hours and a celebratory Cast Party is held after the performance for dancers and their families. Once our students become 7 years old, they are encouraged to audition for children's roles and other dancing roles in "The Oklahoma Nutcracker" and other Norman Ballet Company productions. This gives them a great performing outlet in a professional setting and recognition in our community! Our older dancers are Norman Ballet Company members and perform major roles in the company's productions, as well as performing with local opera companies, and in libraries and schools throughout the area.
Learn fun dances, ballet positions and creative movement while developing rhythm, coordination and a feel for classroom structure.Beginners and experienced dancers
MoreIf most dance studios seems to have qualified, friendly teachers and a performance at the end of the year, are they the same? Does it really matter where you choose to study? Yes. ...
We invite you to compare all of the features and options to see why our studio has been chosen more than any other dance school.
Click to view a complete studio comparison checklist.© 2013 Marjorie Kovich School of Ballet